Microgreens & Petite Greens
These are a few of the many varieties we offer and where to find them.

Rainbow Mix
- brussels sprouts, kale, mustard, broccoli, radish -
this 5 veggie micro mix makes for a colorful and flavorful salad base

Mild Mix
- mizuna, kohlrabi, cabbage, kale -
adds a crunch and fun pop of purple color to any dish

Micro Cilantro
a great substitute for fully grown cilantro;Â very concentrated tangy flavor with a long shelf life

Micro Arugula
delicate cotyledon leaevs concentrating the flavor of full size arugula into a small bite

Petite Tuscan Kale
intriguing texture, easy to use size, and delicious flavor;Â makes a great base to any salad
Delicious & Nutritious
Nutrition Levels
Microgreens pack a nutritional punch. They often contain higher concentrations of micronutrients than their full-sized counterparts.
Microgreens are a great source of antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation.
Microgreens are abundant in Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K.
Microgreens are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, and iron.
Microgreens have high concentrations of this anti-inflammatory molecule, helping to reduce diabetes and forms of heart disease.
These are the molecules that give plants their brighter hues. Microgreens are rich in this antioxidant.